Journeys to the Planet Mars

Journey to the Planet Mars


Evon-thia, The Spirit Bands use astral travel to bypass the normal rigors and dangers of an adventure to Mars. Their leader, Carl De L'Ester is the spirit guide to a medium we know only as Madame.

Over the course of two years, Madame has several out of body experiences that take her to Ento, that red planet we know as Mars. She is joined by different spirit friends who guide her observations, which she writes about in great detail.

This classic science fiction is an epic story that blends the paranormal with themes of exploration of a favorite extraterrestrial destination. It has been acclaimed by scholars as being culturally important, which resonates with the stated goals of Evon-thia:

“And may we hope that in reading of our mission to Ento, you may find some expression of thought, some lesson which may aid you in ascending the heights, ever leading toward exalted states of being, thus nearer to a realizing sense of the all pervading, infinite spirit of an infinite universe.”

Journeys to the Planet Mars is a sci fi fantasy that was first published by Sara Weiss This reformatted science fiction classic is offered by Eli Jayne for your enjoyment.



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